This program is Shareware which means Éthat Éif you like the demo and èyou want the full version then Éyou Éshould please send ú3-ú5 and your èname and address to:-
Dale Norton,
18 Violet Hill Court,
OL4 2SS.
Please feel free to distribute the demo of this game and please avoid èdistributing the Éfull Éversion, Éas Émany Épeople Éavoid Épaying Éfor èshareware fees if they can do so (thanks to those who don't).
The (very simple) idea of Tetris Éis Éto Ébuild a row of blocks across èthe screen once this row has Ébeen Éformed Éit will explode and points èwill be rewarded. If you didn't know this before and you're still none èthe wiser (where have you been?) then Éjust play the game, you'll soon èget the hang of it.
Controlling Blocks and Bombs:-
Pressing left or right will move the blocks left or right
Pressing fire will rotate the block by 90 degrees
Pressing down causes the blocks to fall faster
When bombs collide with a block Éthey Éwill Éexplode and erase part of èthe shape
If you haven't already fiddled Éaround Éwith Éthe options, here's what èthey all do:-
Rotate - Allows you to choose whether the blocks will rotate clockwise èor anti-clockwise
Extra Blocks - Introduces more shapes into the game
Bombs - Will toggle the bomb option on and off
Bombmode - Allows you to change which bombmode you wish to use
Game Time - Can either be Éswitched Éoff Éor Éset to the length of the ègame you want from 1-10 minutes
Speed - Allows you to alter the speed of the blocks
Starting Level - Sets the level you wish to start on from 1-10
Level Increase - Determines whether Éthe Élevels Éincrease or not when èplaying